Student Name: Shafi Marzouq Al Hajeri.
Book Title: The Prince And The Pauper.
Mark Twain Publishing Company:
Pearson Education Limited. Date of Publication:
What is the genre of the book? (The kind of book- comedy, action, mystery etc.)?
It is a History and action story.
What is the setting of the story? (Place)
This story happened in London in 1537.
Who are the characters in the story? (important people or things)
Edward Tudor was a Prince of Wales. Tom Canty the boy was poor and his face was the same as the prince’s face. Father Andrew was a churchman and he taught Tom the languages of Latin and French.
What is the conflict in the story? (the problem)
Two boys were born on the same day. One was a prince and one was a poor. Then one day they met and changed places for a short time. But then they couldn’t change back.
What is the plot of the story? (the important events)
Two babies were born in the same day but in the different lives. One was a prince called Edward. He was the son of the king and from rich family. The other boy was a poor and called Tom. One day they met and decided to change places. On one day Tom lived in a palace and Edward lived in an old house. After few years Edward’s father died and the rich people in the palace decided to make a king. After that Edward knew that and then he went to Tom and they decided to change back. After that Edward became the king and Tom became the close friend of the king.
How is the problem solved at the end of the story?
They could change back one day. Then Edward returned back to being king and Tom lived in the palace of Edward and he became the closest friend of the king.
What was the best thing that happened in the story? Why do you think so?
Nobody can change the feeling between the friends and the friends must be honest.
What is your opinion of the book? Give reasons.
The book is very good because it teaches us about the relationship between friends and the idea of the book is very excellent.